Sunday, March 27, 2011

Something About Trigonometry

Developing a special liking for Mathematics can be very challenging to any Grade School or High School student. This is the main reason why various interests in Mathematics must be introduced on the early academic years of a student. When the basic concepts and uses of Mathematics are explained and instilled to a child, there will be an easier appreciation for this subject.

A lot of High School students can definitely relate to GLEE as compared to Trigonometry. I believe this was due to the fact that GLEE's created to provide entertainment. On the other hand, anything related to Mathematics has been perceived as boring. More students would still prefer to be branded as GLEEkazoids than GEEKazoids. 

It is about time that misconceptions about Mathematics should be changed for good. Any High School student must only have a basic concept of Trigonometry's history. This is to ensure that they know its origins. They do not have to go deeper unless they have plans of becoming Mathematicians or Historians.

Trigonometry is a branch of Mathematics that deals with the study of triangles and the relationship between their sides and the angles between sides.The Egyptians and Babylonians studied the ratios of the sides of similar triangles and found out some properties of those ratios. It was the Greeks who developed Trigonometry as an ordered science. 

Nowadays, a lot of people do not realize that they are witnessing and actually using the concepts of Trigonometry. It is mainly utilized in geography, navigation, electronics, astronomy, wave phenomena,  music theory, acoustics, optics, analysis of financial markets, electronics, probability theory, statistics, biology, medical imaging (CAT scans and ultrasound), pharmacy, chemistry, number theory , seismology, meteorology, oceanography, many physical sciences, land surveying and geodesy, architecture, phonetics, economics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, computer graphics, cartography, crystallography and game development. 

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